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Dig Smart: A Homeowner’s Guide to Safely Locating Sewer Lines Before Yard Projects

Are You Planning to Dig in Your Yard This Month?

Many homeowners are eager to jump into yard projects as part of National Home Improvement Month. However, before you start digging, it's important to consider what's beneath your feet—particularly your sewer lines. Understanding where these are can prevent a lot of problems down the line. At Atlas Butler, we want to ensure that your home improvement enthusiasm doesn't become an expensive repair job.

How to Identify Sewer Line Placement Before Digging

Imagine starting a garden or installing a new mailbox, only to find you've punctured a sewer line. Not only can this cause significant damage requiring costly repairs, but it can also create unpleasant sanitation issues. Knowing the location of your sewer lines helps you plan your projects safely and avoid disrupting essential services. A few steps you can take to identify them include:

  • As the first step to any yard improvement project, contact Ohio Utilities Protection Services at 811. They will come to your home and identify the location of the gas and electric utility lines to prevent damage.
  • Atlas Butler offers specialized services to accurately locate your sewer lines, enhancing safety and efficiency in your digging and project planning. Our expertise is focused on sewer line detection, ensuring you can proceed with your yard improvements with confidence
  • Observe cleanouts, manhole covers, and the slope of your yard as indicators of sewer line locations.

Steps to Take If You Accidentally Damage a Sewer Line

Accidents can happen, but knowing how to respond is key. Our experts compiled a few tips you can take if damage occurs:

  • Prevent further damage by stopping all excavation.
  • If an accident occurs, contact Atlas Butler for emergency repair services. Our dedicated team works diligently to address and resolve issues as quickly as possible, ensuring minimal disruption to your home.

Digging into Sewer Problems Without Digging Up the Yard

At Atlas Butler, we specialize in non-invasive sewer line inspections that save your yard from unnecessary disruption. Our expert technicians are equipped with state-of-the-art sewer camera inspection tools featuring high-resolution cameras and real-time video feeds that allow for precise assessments of your sewer line's condition.

After the inspection, we provide a comprehensive report detailing the condition of your sewer lines, pinpointing any issues, and recommending tailored sewer line repair solutions. This not only helps avoid costly repairs but also extends your infrastructure's lifespan.

By choosing Atlas Butler, you're opting for a team that combines advanced technology with decades of expertise to deliver reliable and effective sewer maintenance solutions.

Preventative Strategies for Safe Digging

At Atlas Butler, we prioritize the importance of safe excavation practices, which are crucial for safeguarding your property and ensuring the well-being of your community. We strongly advocate for homeowners to use the free 811 call service before initiating ground-breaking for any yard improvement project. This service identifies the paths of gas and electric utilities to promote safe and responsible excavation.

It’s important to remember that 811 does not locate sewer or water lines. By partnering with Atlas Butler, you gain access to our expert advice and robust support network, guaranteeing that every excavation project is conducted safely. Our proactive approach to educating and equipping homeowners allows them to confidently take on their projects, backed by the expertise of seasoned professionals.

Ready to embark on your yard project but want to dig with confidence? Remember, while 811 is great for identifying gas and electric lines, it doesn’t cover sewer lines. For expert assistance with sewer line detection and more, call us at 1-800-FURNACE or visit to schedule a consultation. Let Atlas Butler help you keep your home improvement projects safe and positive.

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